“Sullivan and Gilbert” is set in the Savoy Theater in 1890. It is the final, frantic day of rehearsal for Gilbert and Sullivan’s revue requested by Queen Victoria. The two men have been feuding for years, yet they are forced to work together one more time. The cast of characters include Sullivan’s secret girlfriend and Alfred. the son of the Queen, who thinks he belongs on stage. With quick wit and a touching manner, playwright Ken Ludwig’s book is adorned with a wonderful Gilbert and Sullivan score. It is a treat for lovers of the Savoyards and everyone who loves the excitement, energy and eccentricities of the theater.
- Sullivan: Barry Corlew
- Gilbert: Joe Phillips
- Kitty: Melissa Lacijan
- Carte: Phil Sheehan
- Violet: Christina Pickreign
- Alfred: Jeff Hocking
- Durward: Allan Foster
- Courtice: Alan Angelo
- Rutland: Bill McColl
- George: Ross Snyder
- Sybil: Mary Frances Miller
- Jessie: Judi Merriam
- Rosina: Nancy Stone
- Wardrobe Mistress: Margot Phillips
- Wardrobe Apprentice: Sara Hickey
- Master Carpenter: Jeremy Pickreign
- Properties Master: Peter Hill
- Cellier: Sherri Strichman
Production Team
- Director: Gwen Ellen Fraser
- Musical Director: Sherri Strichman
- Producer: Bonnie Williams
- Asst. Director: Joe Fava
- Set Designer: Bob Farquharson
- Costumes: Peggy Gerardi
- Costumes: Pat Casey
- Lighting Designer: Ken Zarnoch
- Make-up: Marcia Lenehan
- Stage Manager: Donna Baxter
- Publicity: Sally Burke
- Props:
- Tickets: Jenny Depew
- Board Liason: Melinda Zarnoch
- Photographer: Tim Raab