SLOC Musical Theater | 427 Franklin Street, Schenectady, NY 12305 | Tickets: 518-730-7370
How do I become a Member?
In order to become a voting member of SLOC Musical Theater you must have participated in a qualifying activity during the last two years. Qualifying activities include: company committees, productions, events or volunteered time to benefit the company as determined by the board or its designee. In addition, you must pay dues of $10 per year. Dues are owed from June 1 of the current year to May 31 of the following year. To remain a voting member, you must participate in a qualifying activity at least once every two years and dues must be paid by February 1st.
New and Existing Members can pay annual dues by February 1 in any of the following ways:
Click below to pay online OR
Mail a check to SLOC Musical Theater, PO Box 1006, Schenectady, NY 12301 OR