Desperate to find money to pay for his floating crap game, Nathan Detroit bets Sky Masterson a thousand dollars that Sky will not be able to take a local Salvation Army girl, Sarah Brown, to Cuba. While Sky eventually is able to convince Sarah to join him, Nathan battles with his fiancé of fourteen years, Adelaide. Meanwhile in Cuba, Sky ends up falling in love with Sarah and tries to reform his gambling ways. When he returns back to New York, he bets all the members of the floating crap game that if he wins his roll of the dice, they will all have to go to church and repent. If he loses, he will give them each a thousand dollars. He ends up winning and all the gamblers end up visiting the mission and repenting their sins.
- Sky Masterson: Christopher Bessette
- Sarah Brown: Kate Kaufman
- Nathan Detroit: Marty O’Connor
- Miss Adelaide: Joan Faxon
- Nicely-Nicely Johnson: Paul W. Siebold (Actor’s Equity)
- Benny Southstreet: Thom Gonyeau
- Arvide Abernathy: John Drahzal
- Harry the Horse: Joe Malone
- Big Jule: Barry Lashin
- General Cartwright: Jennifer S. Depew
- Lt. Brannigan: Ira R. Gilman
- Rusty Charlie: Brandon Jones
- Angie the Ox: Chad N. Newell
- Mimi: Pat Brady
- Joey Biltmore: Steve Suriano
- Agatha: Natalie Hoffman
- Ensemble/Dancers/Chorus: Pat Brady, Nick DiLeva, Brian Ditton, Bryant Empie, Hayley Hunt, Brandon Jones, Robert LaCrosse, Joanne Mensching, Lou Michaels, Chad Newell, Catherine Rourke, Steve Suriano, Kimberly Taylor, Odain Watson
Production Team
- Co-Producers: Michael W. Jegabbi and Theodore J. Vickery, Jr.
- Director: Melissa Mason
- Music Director: Jean Van Syckle
- Choreographer: Donna Cerniglia-Panzl
- Set Design: Ginnie Mills
- Set Construction: Mary Kozlowski
- Costumes: Caren Lessner and Abby Knapp
- Make-up: Lou Michaels
- Properties: Brenda Smusz
- Stage Manager: Claire Bee
- Lighting Design and Execution: Karen Empie