A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum delivers an evening (or afternoon) of unconditional and frivolous fun. Drawing from the Roman comedies of Plautus, A Funny Thing is a riotous farce. Pseudolus, a slave desperate for his freedom, is left in charge of his master’s young son, Hero. It seems that Hero has fallen in love with a beautiful courtesan and promises Pseudolus his freedom if he can arrange a marriage under his father’s nose. But this clever slave cannot begin to predict the madness that ensues as he tries to bring the lovers together.
- Pseudolus: Ted Peck
- Senex: Scott Lathrop
- Domina: Mary Frances Miller
- Hysterium: Thomas H. Watthews
- Hero: Jeff Schaub
- Lycus: Joe Phillips
- Philia: Elisabeth M. Bischoff
- Erronius: Peter Stewart
- Miles: Robert Banks
- Courtesans: Karen Sabo, Jennifer M. Harkins, Sandra MacKinnond, Tracy Heller
- Proteans: Harry Lummis, Jr., Cliff Hopkins, Michael Dale
Production Team
- Producer: Linda Nowosielski
- Director: Allan Foster
- Music Director: Vince Bonefede
- Choreographer: Denise Baker
- Set Design and Decor: Ginnie Mills & team
- Set Construction: Elaine Fortune & team
- Stage Manager: Jack Ryan
- Costumes: Judi Merriam, Molly Wright
- Properties: Sue Fish, Steve Cicchinelli
- Lighting: Jean Dowd
- Sound: Paul Croteau, Chuck LaMalfa
- Make-up: Carolyn Hauke, Sally Mosher
- Latin Consultant: Anne Peterson
- Juggling Consultant: Tim Chapman