The story takes place aboard the ship HMS Pinafore. The captain’s daughter, Josephine, is in love with a lower-class sailor, Ralph Rackstraw, although her father intends her to marry Sir Joseph Porter, the First Lord of the Admiralty. She abides by her father’s wishes at first, but Sir Joseph’s advocacy of the equality of humankind encourages Ralph and Josephine to overturn conventional social order. They declare their love for each other and eventually plan to elope. The captain discovers this plan, but, as in many of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas, a surprise disclosure changes things dramatically near the end of the story.
- Helmsman: Jeff Foster
- Deckhand: Don White
- Steward: Allen Lindsay
- Boatswain: Keith D. Austin
- Gunner: Matthew Nowosielski
- Carpenter: Frank Bogedain
- Little Buttercup: Bonnie Williams
- Dick Deadeye: Ted Farrell
- Ralph Rackstraw: Mark V. Smith
- Captain Corcoran: Theodore Peck
- Josephine: Judi Merriam
- Elderly Aunt: Elisabeth M. Bischoff
- Timid Cousin: Cynthia Rydelnik
- Aristocratic Sister: Sylvia Lenss Briber
- Talkative Sister: Joan Sticher
- Flirtatious Cousin: Kathy Keenan
- Sir Joseph Porter: Mark R. Levy
- Cousin Hebe: Nancy Wozny
Production Team
- Producer: Joseph A. Agostine, Jr.
- Director: Peter Stewart
- Music Director: Donald Mac Millan
- Set Design: Ellen and Roald Amundson
- Set Decoration: Roald Amundson
- Set Construction: John W. Ryan & team
- Costumes Mistress: Molly Wright
- Make-up: Jean Johnson Foster
- Lighting Design & Execution; Jean Dowd
- Properties: Sue Fish
- Stage Manager: Linda Nowosielski