Set in NYC, this sung-through musical follows four characters and how ordinary lives connect in extraordinary ways.
Ordinary Days is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals (
Production Team
- Director: Marc Christopher
- Music Director: Maria Germain
- Producer: Amy Clark
- Assistant Producer: Haley VanEtten
- Stage Manager: Jay Pascual
- Set Designer: Marc Christopher
- Master Carpenter: Dale Clark
- Lighting Designer: Matthew Mascelli
- Lighting Assistant: Dimitri Vasilikos
- Sound Designer: Matthew Mascelli
- Costume Designer: Rory Alexa
- Hair & Make-up Designer: Rory Alexa
- Property Designer: Melissa Peterson
- Claire: Dashira Cortes
- Jason: Michael Camelo
- Deb: Christine Meglino
- Warren: Nik Gatz
- Ensemble/Understudy Claire & Deb: Regan Zlotnick
- Ensemble/Understudy Jason & Warren: Ryan Fuchs