Peter and his mischievous fairy sidekick, Tinkerbell, visit the nursery of the Darling children late one night and, with a sprinkle of pixie dust, begin a magical journey across the stars that none of them will ever forget. In the adventure of a lifetime, the travelers come face to face with a ticking crocodile, a fierce Indian tribe, a band of bungling pirates and, of course, the villainous Captain Hook.
- Wendy: Laura Dowling
- John: Eric Hedman
- Liza: Elisabeth Bischoff
- Michael: Jason Burleigh
- Nana: Marlene Countermine
- Mrs. Darling: Patti Searle
- Mr. Darling: Richard Harte
- Peter Pan: Helena Binder Bress
- Lion: Jennifer Gilson
- Kangaroo: Christine Marcella
- Ostrich: Michele Tibbitts
- Slightly: Derek Devernoe
- Tootles: Todd Kaplan
- Curly: Justin Testo
- Nibs: Steve Dowling
- 1st Twin: James Naumes
- 2nd Twin: Todd Maddalone
- Captain Hook: Richard Harte
- Smee: Jim Murphy
- Crocodile: Thomas Testo
- Tiger Lily: Melissa Mason
- Starkey: Dale Atwell
- Cecco: Richard Smith
- Noodler: Alan Angelo
- Mullins: Frank Blum
- Jukes: Frank Paparella
- Marasco: Jack Koblensky
- Kargo: Paul Snay
- Linville: Tom Tryon
- Holland: Tom Weaver
- Wendy Grown-Up: Pat Timm
- Jane: Colleen Demarco
- Pirates: Alan Angelo, Dale Atwell, Frank Blum, Jack Koblensky, Frank Paparella, Ricardo Smith, Paul Snay, Thomas Tryon, Tom Weaver
- Lost Boys: Derek Devernoe, Steve Dowling, Todd Kaplan, Todd Maddalone, James Naumes, Justin Testo
- Indian Dancers: Stephanie Ducharme, Susan Harvey, Sarah Madden, Christine Marcella, Michelle Tibbits, Jennifer Gilson, Sonya Locci
Production Team
- Producers: Jean & Varro Clarke
- Director: Orlando Pigliavento
- Music Director: Ken Nelson
- Asst. Music Director: Bobbie Nelson
- Choreographer: Eleanor Pigliavento
- Asst. Director: Pat Timm
- Set Design: Heather Sanford
- Set Construction: Art Gauvreau, Varro Clarke
- Set Decorating: Heather Sanford
- Stage Manager: Varro Clarke
- Flying Assistants: Dale Atwell, Varro Clarke, Mark Gorsage, Jack Koblensky, Tom Tryon
- Lighting Design & Execution: Greg Rucinski
- Sound: Chuck LaMalfa
- Costumes: Jane Coffey
- Make-up: Pat Timm
- Properties: Tracey Heller