Gilbert and Sullivan’s hilarious, hopeful farce follows young Frederic, an orphan who has mistakenly been apprenticed to an ineffectual but raucous band of pirates. He disavows the pirates’ way of life and falls for the beautiful Mabel. Frederic’s melodious tones win over the heart of Major-General Stanley’s songbird daughter, Mabel, but when the Pirate King discovers that General Stanley has lied about being an orphan to keep the pirates from stealing all of his belongings and carrying off his bevy of beautiful daughters, and “ingenious paradox” may prevent the budding romance and lead to the death of “The very model of a modern Major-General.” (Synopsis retrieved from
- Samuel: Bill Baetz
- Frederic: William Harrison
- Ruth: Lois Barden Stilley
- Pirate King: James Kidd
- Kate: Barbara Mahlmann
- Isabel: Joanne Weaver
- Edith: Ruth Moore
- Mabel: Judi Merriam
- Major-General: Paul C. Pape
- Sergeant: Keith Austin
- Ensemble: Alan Angelo, John Babjeck, Thomas D. Bambury, Terra Englebardt, Allan Foster, Kate Kaufman, Kim Knightes, Joanne Marhafer, Mike O’Brian, Christopher Parker, Michelle Sausa-Gatta, Patrick Shannon, Christopher Trombley and Andrew Wilkey
Production Team
- Co-Producers: Thelma Zeh and Alan Angelo
- Director: Theodore Peck
- Music Director: Herbert Marshall
- Choreographer: Donna Cerniglia-Panzl
- Asst Director: Joseph A. Agostine, Jr.
- Set Design: Robert Farquharson and Marion Foster
- Set Construction: Robert Farquharson and Marion Foster
- Set Descoration/Painting: Robert Farquharson and Marion Foster
- Stage Manager: Theodore Peck
- Lighting Design and Execution: George Cain
- Sound: Alan Angelo
- Costumes: Molly Wright
- Makeup Design: Thomas D. Bambury and Mary Ann Concra
- Properties: Juanita Brown