Anne of Green Gables is the delightful story of Anne Shirley, a teenage orphan adopted by the Cuthbert family. It is set at the turn-of-the-century in Avonlea, a tiny village in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island. The musical was adapted by Donald Harron from Lucy Maud Montgomery’s classic children’s novel originally published in 1908; it was first presented in December 1971 at Canada’s Charlottetown Festival.
- Mrs. Rachel Lynde: Suzane Talarico
- Mrs. MacPherson: Cynthia L. Morris
- Mrs. Barry: Scotti Biscossi
- Mrs. Sloane: Molly Wright
- Mrs. Pye: Jacqueline Bee
- Earl, the Mailman: Ken Zarnoch
- Cecil, the Farmer: Thomas D. Bambury
- Marilla Cuthbert: Debbie Paul
- Anne Shirley: Caroline Bee
- Matthew Cuthbert: Ted Rucinski
- Mrs. Spencer: Valerie Lord
- Mrs. Blewett: Jennifer S. Depew
- The Minister: Scott Fields
- Diana Barry: Allison Sharpley
- Young Ladies at Avonlea School: Shannon Quinlan (Prissy Andrews), Carrie Cimma (Josie Pye), Libby Legnard (Ruby Gillis), Jessica Brown (Tillie Boulter)
- Boys at Avonlea School: Tim Keating (Gilbert Blythe), Andrew L. Chmelko (Charlie Sloane), Shawn Cahill (Moody MacPherson), Kevin Collins (Gerry Buote), Daniel P. Keon, Jr. (Tommy Sloane)
- Mr. Phillips, the Schoolmaster: Butch Marshall
- Lucilla, Clerk in Blair’s Store: Leslie Maiello Gennett
- Miss Stacy, the Schoolmistress: Valerie Lord
- The Stationmaster: Ken Zarnoch
Production Team
- Co-Producers: Peter J. Codella and Madeline J. Codella
- Director: Judi Merriam
- Music Director: Theresa A. Fitzmaurice
- Choreographer: Caren Lessner
- Asst Director/Stage Manager: Jennifer S. Depew
- Set Design, Construction and Painting: Ken Zarnoch
- Lighting Design and Execution: Greg Rucinski
- Costumes: Peggy Gerardi
- Make-up: Thomas D. Bambury
- Properties: Lisa Hailes
- Sound: Alan Angelo